Well, within few hours presidential election will be over. No doubt Mrs. Prathipa patil is going to emerge as winner and first women president of India. No doubt....it shows the empowerment of women in india. By appointing or selceting women in important post we are ahead of western world.
Here one question arise in my mind does Ms. Patil deserve to become president of India???
Politicians thinks that she does.
I do think that she has required quailties to becom president. Mind it she became an MLA at the age of 28, it is not easy for a women to become at that age. Moreover she has served in 6 govts apart from governor of Maharashtra. Well she deserves.....
But what about the allegations against her & her family members???????
Mrs.Patil's husband is to be connected with a murder...
Ms.Patil's brother is also suspected to be connected with a murder....
and there is allegation on Ms. Patil regarding the bank she founded and its bankrupt......
Is it right to go ahead with electing her as president without making those allegations are wrong???
Once she become president no one can do anything because a president cannot be prosecuted in india....
So what should be done??????????????????
At this juncture i would suggest that Mr.kalam's tenure should be extended until the allegations are proved wrong...
or cancel the ongoing presidential elcetions.....conduct new presidential election with new candidate...
Certainly those things will not happen because our politicians are like that........
So lets welcome our frist women president Mrs.Pratiba Patil.